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Ohrid, Pearl of North Macedonia

Ohrid, Pearl of North Macedonia

With its new name, Ohrid Lake, the pearl of North Macedonia, and Ohrid, a city founded on the shore of the lake. According to archaeological findings, the city on the shore of Lake Ohrid is one of Europe's oldest settlements. Ohrid Lake was also formed more than 3 million years ago. Its ancient Greek name is Lychnidos, meaning "City of Lights." This name also suits such a colorful city. Indeed, Ohrid Lake, illuminated by the sun, dazzles with its beauty. The same word means "lake" in Albanian. After all, although Lake Ohrid is named after the city of Ohrid, it is actually a part of Albania. Albania's largest lakeside settlement Pogradec city. After the Slavs settled in the region, the city took the name Ohrid. Ohrid means "Up the Hill"; the city really has an uphill structure. In Albanian, the name of the city is referred to as "Ohrid", and you can find it used this way sometimes in Turkish. This is a special city for Slavs because the Byzantine Saints Cyril and Methodios created the Cyrillic Alphabet during their stay in this city. Different versions of the alphabet are still used in Slavic countries today. Neighboring Albania, the city has lived under the rule of different civilizations throughout history. The discussions about the ethnic origin of the people in the region, which is located in a region where the Balkan nations intersect, are still going on. So much so that until last year, Greece, does not accept it as a state; it defined the region and its people as a civilization of Greek origin that should now belong to the modern Greek state. The Macedonian State, which is the country of a predominantly Macedonian-speaking society belonging to the East Slavic language family, as well as nations such as Turks, Albanians and Romans, argued that this was definitely not true, and that Macedonia was a Slavic state. However, the Republic of Macedonia, which wanted to become a member of NATO and the EU in order to develop economic and commercial connections, changed its official name to the Republic of North Macedonia (the South Macedonia region is now a province in Greece) and The identity and name crisis among Macedonia is out for now. The city of Ohrid, the first city of Alexander the Great's father, Philip added, to the Macedonian Empire. But the main capital of ancient civilization is now the borders of Greece. is the city of Pella in it and Alexander the Great was born in this city. Even though the origins have changed over time and cannot be determined exactly, Macedonia's geography continues to host a rich culture and history. Witness a mixture of Byzantine, Slavic, Greek, Albanian and Ottoman cultures in a single geography Ohrid, with its rich history and impressive natural beauty, is one of the must-see cities in Macedonia. The economy of the country, which declared its independence from the former Yugoslav Republic in 1991, is still not fully developed. As of April 2020, 1 TL is 4.85 Macedonian Denar. Consequently, a holiday we will spend here will be quite budget-friendly. Make your reservation at your hotel as soon as possible and start your journey to the Balkans from Ohrid. Although Macedonian is mainly spoken in Macedonia You can find Albanian and Turkish spoken in Ohrid and its surroundings. Especially in shops, with the influence of tourism, many sellers can understand Turkish. Although the Macedonian Cyrillic alphabet is generally used in the writings, it is an increasingly touristy city, so words are Its equivalents in the Latin alphabet or English are also written.
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