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A few mistakes made by caravan travelers

A few mistakes made by caravan travelers

Due to the coronavirus epidemic in the world, many travelers started to prefer caravans. In fact, producers who are having difficulty keeping up with orders nowadays give a day to the next year. Especially people living in cities such as Istanbul and Ankara started to flock to the caravan camping areas in nearby cities with the caravans they bought or rented. There are a few mistakes made when buying and traveling alone with a caravan.
Generally, you want a large caravan, in fact, there is not much need for a very large caravan. Also, many national parks, highways, and more have length restrictions. Especially research the size limits on highways and be careful to choose a model accordingly.

As the demand for caravans increased with the pandemic, zero caravan prices started to burn. Naturally, those who dream of a caravan turn to the second hand market. Yes, a new caravan may be more useful, clean and comfortable, but when you buy a used caravan alone, at least the first owner of the caravan has solved the problems that arise in a few trips. It may even have made some modifications in it as you wish. Buying a second hand can turn into an advantage.

This is important… The load capacity of each caravan is different. Forcing it to carry more than its capacity may damage your caravan or result in fines. For this reason, it will be useful to choose a caravan according to the carrying capacity you need.

With the van life movement booming, many caravan owners are making aftermarket modifications to make their vehicles more livable and aesthetically pleasing. However, you should be careful about purchasing a caravan with modifications such as high roof or different passenger and driver seats. Because most of these modifications may not be as safe as the original vehicle manufacturer's designs.

So what should be considered when turning a van into a caravan?

The first thing to do is to agree with a mechanical engineer who is expert in vehicle modification. The main factor should be to pay attention to the weight calculations when making changes. After the construction, the mechanical engineer you agree with takes precise measurements in the vehicle and projects this modification. The project goes to TSE for approval and your vehicle is inspected by authorized persons. Weighers are used for weight tests and vehicle elevators are used for suspension reports.

Post-certification procedures

If all transactions are in line with the procedures, they will send you a post-approval certificate. With these documents, the vehicle goes through TÜVTÜRK inspection to check its compliance with the caravan license. If you manage to get approval as a result of the examination, you apply to the notary public with the documents you receive from both institutions. Your vehicle license is being rearranged as 'special purpose motorhome' at the notary.

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